- The hotel is authorized to accommodate guests who present their valid personal ID, passport or any other valid proof of identity at the hotel reception.
- In special cases the hotel can offer an alternative accommodation as agreed, if this accommodation is not essentially different from the confirmed reservation.
- On the basis of a booked and confirmed accommodation the hotel is obliged to accommodate a guest by 6:00 p.m. at the latest. The room will be reserved for the guest until 6:00 p.m. unless it is determined differently in the reservation. The hotel room will be at the guest’s disposal from 2:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. If a guest will arrive late, he or she has to inform the hotel about the time of arrival at least by phone.
- A guest can use the hotel room during a period appointed with the hotel. On the day of departure, the guest has to vacate the hotel room and check-out by no later than 11:00 a.m., unless the period of stay was agreed differently in advance. If this time limit will not be adhered to, the hotel is entitled to charge for the following night. A guest who will check-in before 6:00 a.m. will be charged for the whole preceding night.
- If a guest wants to extend his or her stay, the hotel can offer a different room to the one in which the guest was originally accommodated.
- The guest can use the hotel room facilities and equipment, the common spaces and the hotel services. The guest is liable for damages caused to the property of the hotel according to the valid laws of the Polish law.
- In the hotel rooms it is forbidden to replace the furnishings or to do any other changes.
- In the hotel rooms smoking is prohibited by law.
- It is not allowed to use own electrical devices at the hotel room, with the exception of personal hygiene devices (electric shavers, massage devices, hairdryers or the like) and mobile phone and notebook chargers.
- The guest can receive visits in his or her room from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The visitors are obliged to report themselves at the hotel reception.
- Each time the guest leaves the room, he or she is obliged to turn off the lights, all water faucets, close the windows and leave the room key at the hotel reception. If the guest loses the key, an additional charge will be made.
- In the hotel room and in the other hotel spaces the guest is obliged to behave in a way not to cause fire. It is not allowed to smoke in non-smoking rooms. During a fire the guest has to inform the hotel reception immediately.
- From 10:00 p.m. till 7:00 a.m. the guest have to behave in a way to not disturb the night-time peace.
- The hotel is liable for luggage brought to the hotel by the guest and for deposited articles, if they were deposited on an appropriate place. The hotel is liable for money and valuables only if they were taken by the hotel against endorsement and stored in depository.
- For security reasons, it is not appropriate to leave children under 10 years of age without adult supervision in the hotel rooms or other areas of the hotel premises.
- The guests have to pay for the accommodation and for the additional hotel services prices according to the valid price list upon arrival. The payment for the accommodation is made by cash or by credit/debit card, if it was not agreed differently.
- The guest is obliged to observe the provisions of these house rules. In the event that a guest is in breach of these rules, the hotel has the right to repudiate the agreement on the provision of accommodation services before the agreed period has elapsed. Ignorance of the house rules is no excuse.